All Papers
Author: F.M. Castro


AttenGait: Gait Recognition with Attention and Rich Modalities [doi]
F.M. Castro, R. Delgado-Escaño, R. Hernandez-Garcia, M.J. Marin, N. Guil
Pattern Recognition, 148, April 2024, 110171


From Synthetic Data to Real Palm Vein Identification: a Fine-Tuning Approach [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, E.H. Salazar-Jurado, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS'23), Guayaquil (Ecuador), July 2023

Real-Time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance [doi]
P. Ruiz, F.M. Castro, N. Guil
11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis(ibPRIA'23), Alicante (Spain), June 2023
(Springer, LNCS 14062, A. Pertusa, A.J. Gallego, J.A. Sanchez and J.A. Domingues, Eds., pp. 466-478)

Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition [doi]
N. Cubero, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis(ibPRIA'23), Alicante (Spain), June 2023
(Springer, LNCS 14062, A. Pertusa, A.J. Gallego, J.A. Sanchez and J.A. Domingues, Eds., pp. 389-401)


High Performance Inference of Gait Recognition Models on Embedded Systems [doi]
P. Ruiz, F.M. Castro, R. Delgado, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 36, December 2022, 100814

Lightweight Structure-Aware Attention for Visual Understanding [arXiv]
H. Kwon, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, K. Alahari
arXiv:2211.16289 [cs.CV], November 2022

A Hybrid Piece-Wise Slowdown Model for Concurrent Kernel Execution on GPU [doi]
B. Lopez-Albelda, F.M. Castro, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil
28th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar'22), Glasgow (UK), August 2022
(Springer, LNCS 13440, J. Cano and P. Trinder, Eds., pp. 369-384)

CNN-based Model for Gender and Age Classification based on Palm Vein Images [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, Z. Feng, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS'22), Saint-Etienne (France), June 2022

FlexSched: Efficient Scheduling Techniques for Concurrent Kernel Execution on GPUs [doi]
B. Lopez-Albelda, F.M. Castro, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil
The Journal of Supercomputing, 78, January 2022, pp. 43-71


UGaitNet: Multimodal Gait Recognition With Missing Input Modalities [doi]
M.J. Marin-Jimenez, F.M. Castro, R. Delgado, V. Kalogeiton, N. Guil
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, December 2021, pp. 5452-5462

GaitCopy: Disentangling Appearance for Gait Recognition by Signature Copy [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, N. Guil, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
IEEE Access, 9, December 2021, pp. 164339-164347

Large-Scale Palm Vein Recognition on Synthetic Datasets [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, J.I. Santamaria, R.J. Barrientos, E.H. Salazar-Jurado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), La Serena (Chile), November 2021

Evaluation of End-to-End CNN Models for Palm Vein Recognition [doi]
J.I. Santamaria, R. Hernandez-Garcia, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), La Serena (Chile), November 2021

Anomalous Object Detection by Active Search with PTZ Cameras [doi]
E. Lopez-Rubio, M.A. Molina, F.M. Castro, R.F. Luque, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil
Expert Systems with Applications, 181, November 2021, art. 115150

Introduce Metodologías Activas en tu Clase, Indispensable en Tiempos de Pandemia [link]
E. Hendrix, F.M. Castro, D.A. Constantinescu, F. Corbera, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, M. Gonzalez, J. Hormigo, J.R. Cozar, A. Rodriguez
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Multimodal Gait Recognition Under Missing Modalities [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, N. Guil, V. Kalogeiton, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage (AK, USA), August 2021

ReSGait: The Real-Scene Gait Dataset [doi]
Z. Mu, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, Y-R. Li
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Shenzhen (China), August 2021


iLGaCo: Incremental Learning of Gait Covariate Factors [doi][arXiv]
Z. Mu, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, Y-L. Li, S. Yu
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB'20), Houston (TX, USA), September-October 2020
(arXiv:2008.13507 [cs.CV])

MuPeG - The Multiple Person Gait Framework [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, M.J. Marin, N. Guil
Sensors, 20 (5), March 2020, art. 1358

Multimodal Feature Fusion for CNN-based Gait Recognition: An Empirical Comparison [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, N. Perez-de-la-Blanca
Neural Computing and Applications, 32, March 2020, pp. 14173-14193

A Cross-Dataset Deep Learning-based Classifier for People Fall Detection and Identification [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, E. Casilari
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 184, February 2020


Energy-based Tuning of Convolutional Neural Networks on Multi-GPUs [doi]
F.M. Castro, N. Guil, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, J. Perez-Serrano, M. Ujaldon
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 31 (21), November 2019

A Weakly-Supervised Approach for Discovering Common Objects in Airport Video Surveillance Footage [doi]
F.M. Castro, R. Delgado, N. Guil, M.J. Marin
9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA'19), Madrid (Spain), July 2019
(Springer, LNCS 11868, A. Morales, J. Fierrez, J.S. Sanchez and B. Ribeiro, Eds., pp. 296-308)


An End-to-End Multi-Task and Fusion CNN for Inertial-Based Gait Recognition [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, M.J. Marin, N. Guil
IEEE Access, 7, December 2018, pp. 1897-1908

End-to-End Incremental Learning [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, C. Schmid, K. Alahari
15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’18), Munich (Germany), September 2018
(Springer, LNCS 11216, V. Ferrari, M. Hebert, C. Sminchisescu and Y. Weiss, Eds., pp. 241-257)


Deep Multi-Task Learning for Gait-Based Biometrics [doi]
M.J. Marin-Jimenez, F.M. Castro, N. Guil, F. de la Torre, R. Medina-Carnicer
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP’17), Beijing (China), September 2017

Evaluation of CNN Architectures for Gait Recognition Based on Optical Flow Maps [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, S. Lopez-Tapia, N. Perez de la Blanca
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG’17), Darmstadt (Germany), September 2017

Automatic Learning of Gait Signatures for People Identification [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, N. Perez de la Blanca
14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN’17), Cadiz (Spain), June 2017
(Springer, LNCS 10306, I. Rojas, G. Joya and A. Catala, Eds., pp. 257-270)

Fisher Motion Descriptor for Multiview Gait Recognition [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, R. Muñoz-Salinas
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 31 (1), 2017


Multimodal Features Fusion for Gait, Gender and Shoes Recognition [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil
Machine Vision and Applications, 27 (8), November 2016, pp. 1213-1228


On How to Improve Tracklet-based Gait Recognition Systems [doi]
M.J. Marin-Jimenez, F.M. Castro, A. Carmona-Poyato, N. Guil
Pattern Recognition Letters, 68 (1), December 2015, pp. 103-110

Empirical Study of Audio-Visual Features Fusion for Gait Recognition [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil
16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP’15), Valletta, Malta, September 2015
(Springer, LNCS 9256, G. Azzopardi and N. Petkov, Eds., pp. 727-739)


































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