Publications: Last 5 years


CPU and GPU Oriented Optimizations for LiDAR Data Processing [doi]
F. Muñoz, R. Asenjo, A. Navarro, J.C. Cabaleiro
Journal of Computational Science, 79, July 2024, 102317

Exploring Multiprocessor Approaches to Time Series Analysis [doi]
R. Quislant, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 188, June 2024, 104855

Advancements in Long-Read Genome Sequencing Technologies and Algorithms [doi]
E. Espinosa, R. Bautista, R. Larrosa, O. Plata
Genomics, 116 (3), May 2024, 110842

AttenGait: Gait Recognition with Attention and Rich Modalities [doi]
F.M. Castro, R. Delgado-Escaño, R. Hernandez-Garcia, M.J. Marin, N. Guil
Pattern Recognition, 148, April 2024, 110171

MATSA: An MRAM-Based Energy-Efficient Accelerator for Time Series Analysis [doi]
I. Fernandez, C. Giannoula, A. Manglik, R. Quislant, N.M. Ghiasi, J.G. Luna, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata, O. Mutlu
IEEE Access, 12, March 2024, pp. 2169-3536

SkewEngine: Enhancing Performance of Intensive Calculations on Regular Meshes [doi]
F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa, G. Bandera, L.F. Romero
The Journal of Supercomputing, February 2024

HUB Meets Posit: Arithmetic Units Implementation [doi]
R. Murillo, J. Hormigo, A.A. del Barrio, G. Botella
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 71 (1), January 2024, pp. 440-444

Floating Point HUB Adder for RISC-V Sargantana Processor [arXiv]
G. Bandera, J. Salamero, M. Moreto, J. Villalba
arXiv:2401.09464v1 [cs.AR], January 2024


Edge IoT System for Wearable Devices: Real-Time Data Processing, Inference, and Training for Activity Monitoring and Health Evaluation [doi]
M. Lupion, F. Romero, L.F. Romero, J.F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa
15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI'23), Riviera Maya (Mexico), November 2023
(Springer, LNNS 842, J. Bravo and G. Urzaiz, Eds., pp. 131-142)

High-Throughput DTW Accelerator with Minimum Area in AMD FPGA by HLS [doi]
M. Hormigo-Jimenez, J. Hormigo
38th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS'23), Malaga (Spain), November 2023

Comparing Assembly Strategies for Third-Generation Sequencing Technologies Across Different Genomes [doi]
E. Espinosa, R. Bautista, I. Fernandez, R. Larrosa, E.L. Zapata, O. Plata
Genomics, 115 (5), September 2023, 110700

NATSA: A Near-Data Processing Accelerator for Time Series Analysis [link]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, C. Giannoula, M. Alser, J.G. Luna, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata, O. Mutlu
XXXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'23) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Ciudad Real (Spain), September 2023

Metodología de Adquisición y Procesamiento de Datos para la Detección de Crisis Epilépticas Utilizando Dispositivos IoT y GPUs [link]
F. Romero, L.F. Romero, M. Lupion, J.F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa
XXXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'23) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Ciudad Real (Spain), September 2023

SkewEngine: Reorganización de Mallas Regulares para Cálculo Intensivo [link]
F. Romero, G. Bandera, L.F. Romero
XXXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'23) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Ciudad Real (Spain), September 2023

SkewEngine: Enhancing Performance of Intensive Calculations on Regular Mesh Data [link]
F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa, G. Bandera, L.F. Romero
23th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE'23), Rota (Spain), July 2023

Accelerating Epilepsy Diagnosis and Prediction on EEG Signals with GPU-Based Frequency Domain Analysis and Resampling [link]
F. Romero, L.F. Romero, M. Lupion, J.F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa
23th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE'23), Rota (Spain), July 2023

From Synthetic Data to Real Palm Vein Identification: a Fine-Tuning Approach [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, E.H. Salazar-Jurado, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS'23), Guayaquil (Ecuador), July 2023

Real-Time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance [doi]
P. Ruiz, F.M. Castro, N. Guil
11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis(ibPRIA'23), Alicante (Spain), June 2023
(Springer, LNCS 14062, A. Pertusa, A.J. Gallego, J.A. Sanchez and J.A. Domingues, Eds., pp. 466-478)

Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition [doi]
N. Cubero, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis(ibPRIA'23), Alicante (Spain), June 2023
(Springer, LNCS 14062, A. Pertusa, A.J. Gallego, J.A. Sanchez and J.A. Domingues, Eds., pp. 389-401)

Irregular Alignment of Arbitrarily Long DNA Sequences on GPU [doi]
E. Perez-Wohlfeil, O. Trelles, N. Guil
The Journal of Supercomputing, 79 (5), May 2023, pp. 8699-8728

Artificial Intelligence to Assist Specialists in the Detection of Haematological Diseases [doi]
S. Diaz-del-Pino, O. Trelles, F.A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, N. Guil
Heliyon, 9 (5), May 2023, e15940

Book Chapter: Aceleración del DTW en FPGA [doi]
M. Hormigo-Jimenez, J. Hormigo
Investigaciones DACIU 2022/2023
(Fundacion Avanza, pp. 407-412, April 2023)

A Countless Variant Simulation-Based Toolkit for Remote Learning and Evaluation [doi]
F. Romero, G. Bandera, J. Romero, L.F. Romero
Cogent Engineering, 10 (1), April 2023

SkyFlow: Heterogeneous Streaming for Skyline Computation Using FlowGraph and SYCL [doi]
J.C. Romero, A. Navarro, A. Rodriguez, R. Asenjo
Future Generation Computer Systems, 141, April 2023, pp. 269-283

Time Series Analysis Acceleration with Advanced Vectorization Extensions [doi]
R. Quislant, I. Fernandez, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
The Journal of Supercomputing, 79, February 2023, pp. 10178-10207


ALP: Alleviating CPU-Memory Data Movement Overheads in Memory-Centric Systems [doi][arXiv]
N.M. Ghiasi, N. Vijaykumar, G.F. Oliveira, L. Orosa, I. Fernandez, M. Sadrosadati, K. Kanellopoulos, N. Hajinazar, J.G. Luna, O. Mutlu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 11 (2), December 2022, pp. 388-403
(arXiv:2212.06292 [cs.AR])

High Performance Inference of Gait Recognition Models on Embedded Systems [doi]
P. Ruiz, F.M. Castro, R. Delgado, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 36, December 2022, 100814

Accelerating Time Series Analysis via Processing using Non-Volatile Memories [arXiv]
I. Fernandez, A. Manglik, C. Giannoula, R. Quislant, N.M. Ghiasi, J.G. Luna, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata, O. Mutlu
arXiv:2211.04369 [cs.AR], November 2022

Lightweight Structure-Aware Attention for Visual Understanding [arXiv]
H. Kwon, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, K. Alahari
arXiv:2211.16289 [cs.CV], November 2022

TraTSA: A Transprecision Framework for Efficient Time Series Analysis [doi]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
Journal of Computational Science, 63, September 2022, 101784

Exploiting Vector Extensions to Accelerate Time Series Analysis [link]
R. Quislant, I. Fernandez, E. Serralvo, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
XXXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'22) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Alicante (Spain), September 2022

Estrategias de Optimización de un Algoritmo de Streaming Usando OneAPI para Arquitecturas CPU+GPU [link]
C. Campos, A. Navarro, J.C. Romero, A. Rodríguez, R. Asenjo
XXXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'22) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Alicante (Spain), September 2022

Diseño del Compilador de la Máquina Virtual Inmortal iVM [link]
E. Gutierrez, S. Romero, O. Plata
XXXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'22) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Alicante (Spain), September 2022

Reconocimiento de Fármacos Mediante Inteligencia Artificial [link]
L.F. Romero, F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa, J. Lopez-Rodondo, H. Perez-Sanchez
XXXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'22) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Alicante (Spain), September 2022

Whole-Genome Assembly: An Experimental Study of Computational Costs and Architectural Opportunities [link]
E. Espinosa, I. Fernandez, R. Larrosa, O. Plata
XXXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'22) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Alicante (Spain), September 2022

A Hybrid Piece-Wise Slowdown Model for Concurrent Kernel Execution on GPU [doi]
B. Lopez-Albelda, F.M. Castro, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil
28th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar'22), Glasgow (UK), August 2022
(Springer, LNCS 13440, J. Cano and P. Trinder, Eds., pp. 369-384)

SparseP: Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Architectures [doi][arXiv]
C. Giannoula, I. Fernandez, J.G. Luna, N. Koziris, G. Goumas, O. Mutlu
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI'22), Nicosia (Cyprus), July 2022
(arXiv:2201.05072 [cs.AR])

Exploiting Near-Data Processing to Accelerate Time Series Analysis [doi][arXiv]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, C. Giannoula, M. Alser, J. Gomez-Luna, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata, O. Mutlu
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI'22), Nicosia (Cyprus), July 2022
(arXiv:2206.00938 [cs.AR])

CNN-based Model for Gender and Age Classification based on Palm Vein Images [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, Z. Feng, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS'22), Saint-Etienne (France), June 2022

Whole-Genome Assembly: An Experimental Study of Computational Costs and Architectural Opportunities [link]
E. Espinosa, I. Fernandez, R. Larrosa, O. Plata
Workshop on Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AACBB'22) (co-located with HPCA'22), New York (NY, USA), June 2022

Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Architectures [doi]
C. Giannoula, I. Fernandez, J. Gomez-Luna, N. Koziris, G. Goumas, O. Mutlu
ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE’22), Mumbai, India, June 2022

Benchmarking a New Paradigm: Experimental Analysis and Characterization of a Real Processing-in-Memory System [doi][arXiv]
J. Gomez-Luna, I. El Hajj, I. Fernandez, C. Giannoula, G.F. Oliveira, O. Mutlu
IEEE Access, 10, May 2022, pp. 52565-52608
(arXiv:2105.03814 [cs.AR])

CAVLCU: An Efficient GPU-based Implementation of CAVLC [doi]
A. Fuentes-Alventosa, J. Gomez-Luna, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil, R. Medina-Carnicer
The Journal of Supercomputing, 78, April 2022, pp. 7556-7590

High-Radix Formats for Enhancing Floating-Point FPGA Implementations [doi]
J. Villalba, J. Hormigo
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 41, March 2022, pp. 1683-1703

SparseP: Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Architectures [doi]
C. Giannoula, I. Fernandez, J. Gomez-Luna, N. Koziris, G. Goumas, O. Mutlu
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, 6 (1), March 2022, pp. 1-49

Lightweight Asynchronous Scheduling in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems [doi]
A. Rodriguez, A. Navarro, K. Nikov, J. Nunez-Yanez, R. Gran, D. Suarez-Gracia, R. Asenjo
Journal of Systems Architecture, 124, March 2022, 102398

Exploiting Vector Extensions to Accelerate Time Series Analysis [doi]
R. Quislant, I. Fernandez, E. Serralvo, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
30th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP'22), Valladolid, Spain, March 2022

Enabling Easier Programming of Machine Learning Algorithms on Robots with oneAPI Toolkits [doi]
D.A. Constantinescu, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Cruz-Martin
IEEE Feedforward, 1 (1), January-March 2022

Speculative Barriers with Transactional Memory [doi]
M. Pedrero, R. Quislant, E. Gutierrez, E.L. Zapata, O. Plata
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 71 (1), January 2022, pp. 197-208

FlexSched: Efficient Scheduling Techniques for Concurrent Kernel Execution on GPUs [doi]
B. Lopez-Albelda, F.M. Castro, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil
The Journal of Supercomputing, 78, January 2022, pp. 43-71


UGaitNet: Multimodal Gait Recognition With Missing Input Modalities [doi]
M.J. Marin-Jimenez, F.M. Castro, R. Delgado, V. Kalogeiton, N. Guil
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, December 2021, pp. 5452-5462

GaitCopy: Disentangling Appearance for Gait Recognition by Signature Copy [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, N. Guil, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
IEEE Access, 9, December 2021, pp. 164339-164347

VPP: Visibility-Based Path Planning Heuristic for Monitoring Large Regions of Complex Terrain Using a UAV Onboard Camera [doi]
A.J. Sanchez, L.F. Romero, G. Bandera, S. Tabik
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, December 2021, pp. 944-955

Genome Sequence Alignment - Design Space Exploration for Optimal Performance and Energy Architectures [doi]
Y.M. Qureshi, J.M. Herruzo, M. Zapater, K. Olcoz, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, O. Plata, D. Atienza
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 70 (12), December 2021, pp. 2218-2233

Efficient Heterogeneous Matrix Profile on a CPU + High Performance FPGA with Integrated HBM [doi]
J.C. Romero, A. Navarro, A. Vilches, A. Rodriguez, F. Corbera, R. Asenjo
Future Generation Computer Systems, 125, December 2021, pp. 10-23

An Abstract Machine Approach to Preserving Digital Information [doi]
I. Rummelhoff, E. Gutierrez, T. Kristoffersen, O. Liabo, B.M. Ostvold, O. Plata, S. Romero
IEEE Access, 9, November 2021, pp. 154914-154932

Large-Scale Palm Vein Recognition on Synthetic Datasets [doi]
R. Hernandez-Garcia, J.I. Santamaria, R.J. Barrientos, E.H. Salazar-Jurado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), La Serena (Chile), November 2021

Evaluation of End-to-End CNN Models for Palm Vein Recognition [doi]
J.I. Santamaria, R. Hernandez-Garcia, R.J. Barrientos, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, N. Guil
40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), La Serena (Chile), November 2021

Anomalous Object Detection by Active Search with PTZ Cameras [doi]
E. Lopez-Rubio, M.A. Molina, F.M. Castro, R.F. Luque, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil
Expert Systems with Applications, 181, November 2021, art. 115150

Enhancing Online Planning under Uncertainty via Bloom Filter Based Memory [link]
D.A. Constantinescu, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Cruz-Martin
Supercomputing (SC'21) oneAPI Developer Summit 2021, November 2021

Benchmarking Memory-Centric Computing Systems: Analysis of Real Processing-In-Memory Hardware [doi]
J. Gomez-Luna, I. El Hajj, I. Fernandez, C. Giannoula, G.F. Oliveira, O. Mutlu
12th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC'21), Pullman (WA), USA, October 2021

DAMOV: A New Methodology and Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Data Movement Bottlenecks [doi][arXiv]
G.F. Oliveira, J. Gomez-Luna, L. Orosa, S. Ghose, N. Vijaykumar, I. Fernandez, M. Sadrosadati, O. Mutlu
IEEE Access, 9, September 2021, pp. 134457-134502
(arXiv:2105.03725 [cs.AR])

Enabling Fast and Energy-Efficient FM-index Exact Matching Using Processing-Near-Memory [doi]
J.M. Herruzo, I. Fernandez, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, O. Plata
The Journal of Supercomputing, 77, September 2021, pp. 10226-10251

Energy-Efficient Time Series Analysis Using Transprecision Computing [link]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Enhancing Online Planning under Uncertainty via Bloom Filter Based Memory [link]
D.A. Constantinescu, R. Asenjo, A. Navarro
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Enabling Fast and Energy Efficient FM-index Exact Matching using PNM [link]
J.M. Herruzo, I. Fernandez, E. Espinosa, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, R. Larrosa, O. Plata
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

SkyFlow: Streaming Heterogéneo para Cálculo de Skyline mediante FlowGrpah y oneAPI [link]
J.C. Romero, F. Muñoz, A. Vilches, A. Rodriguez, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Optimización del Método Visvalingam-Whyatt para Reducir Series Temporales en Tiempo Real [link]
F. Muñoz, A. Vilches, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Server-Side Computer Architecture Simulation for Online Evaluation Purposes [link]
L.F. Romero, G. Bandera, F. Romero, J. Romero
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

CodSim 2.0: Un Laboratorio Virtual para la Enseñanza de las Codificaciones de Datos [link]
G.P. Trabado, E. Gutierrez
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

Introduce Metodologías Activas en tu Clase, Indispensable en Tiempos de Pandemia [link]
E. Hendrix, F.M. Castro, D.A. Constantinescu, F. Corbera, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, M. Gonzalez, J. Hormigo, J.R. Cozar, A. Rodriguez
XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP'20/21) (parte de las Jornadas Sarteco), Malaga (Spain), September 2021

A Data Relocation Approach for Terrain Surface Analysis on Multi-GPU Systems: A Case Study on the Total Viewshed Problem [doi]
A.J. Sanchez, L.F. Romero, G. Bandera, S. Tabik
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35 (Iss. 8), August 2021, pp. 1500-1520

Multimodal Gait Recognition Under Missing Modalities [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, N. Guil, V. Kalogeiton, M.J. Marin-Jimenez
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage (AK, USA), August 2021

ReSGait: The Real-Scene Gait Dataset [doi]
Z. Mu, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin-Jimenez, N. Guil, Y-R. Li
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Shenzhen (China), August 2021

DAMOV: A New Methodology and Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Data Movement Bottlenecks [arXiv]
G.F. Oliveira, J. Gomez-Luna, L. Orosa, S. Ghose, N. Vijaykumar, I. Fernandez, M. Sadrosadati, O. Mutlu
arXiv:2105.03725 [cs.AR], July 2021

Benchmarking a New Paradigm: an Experimental Analysis of a Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture [arXiv]
J. Gomez-Luna, I. El Hajj, I. Fernandez, C. Giannoula, G.F. Oliveira, O. Mutlu
arXiv:2105.03814 [cs.AR], July 2021

oneAPI Implementation of the OWM Algorithm for DTM Seed Point Detection
F. Muñoz, R. Asenjo, A. Navarro, J.C. Cabaleiro
1st Conference on High Performance Computing (CHPC'21), Rota (Cadiz), Spain, July 2021

FPGA Acceleration of Bit-True Simulations for Word-Length Optimization [doi]
J. Hormigo, G. Caffarena
IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH'21), Lyngby, Denmark, June 2021

Efficient Floating-Point Givens Rotation Unit [doi]
J. Hormigo, S.D. Muñoz
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 40 (5), May 2021, pp. 2419-2442

Keynote: oneAPI for GPUs and FPGAs: Portability, Yes!, Performance Portability, Not Quite [link]
R. Asenjo
29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP'21), Virtual Event, March 2021

SynCron: Efficient Synchronization Support for Near-Data-Processing Architectures [doi][arXiv]
C. Giannoula, N. Vijaykumar, N. Papadopoulou, V. Karakostas, I. Fernandez, J. Gomez-Luna, L. Orosa, N. Koziris, G. Goumas, O. Mutlu
27th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA'21), Seoul (South Korea), February-March 2021
(arXiv:2101.07557 [cs.AR])

Efficient Geometrical Clock Synchronization for Pairwise Sensor Systems [doi]
J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo, A. Cruz-Martin
IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (1), January 2021, pp. 838-846

Efficiency and Productivity for Decision Making on Low-Power Heterogeneous CPU+GPU SoCs [doi]
D.A. Constantinescu, A. Navarro, F. Corbera, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, R. Asenjo
The Journal of Supercomputing, 77, January 2021, pp. 44-65


New Results on Non-normalized Floating-Point Formats [doi]
S. Gonzalez-Navarro, J. Hormigo
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 69 (12), December 2020, pp. 1733-1744

Boosting Productivity of Decision-Making with oneAPI-based Heterogeneous Schedulers on SoCs [link]
D.A. Constantinescu, R. Asenjo
oneAPI Developer Summit 2020, Virtual Event, November 2020

Tutorial: C++ for Heterogeneous Programming: oneAPI (DPC++ and oneTBB) [link]
J. Reinders, M. Voss, P. Reble, R. Asenjo
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC'20), Virtual Event, November 2020

Panel: The oneAPI Software Abstraction for Heterogeneous Computing [link]
R. Asenjo, E. Lindahl, X. Meng, M. Wong, D. Hardy, M. Garzaran, Moderator: S. Tibrewala
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC'20), Virtual Event, November 2020

ScrimpCo: Scalable Matrix Profile on Commodity Heterogeneous Processors [doi]
J.C. Romero, A. Vilches, A. Rodriguez, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo
The Journal of Supercomputing, 76, November 2020, pp. 9189-9210

Heuristics for Concurrent Task Scheduling on GPUs [doi]
B. Lopez-Albelda, A.J. Lazaro-Muñoz, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32 (20), October 2020, e5571

Expression-Based, Consistent Biomarkers for Prognosis and Diagnosis in Lung Cancer [doi]
M. Arroyo, R. Larrosa, J. Gomez-Maldonado, M.A. Cobo, M.G. Claros, R. Bautista
Clinical and Translational Oncology, 22, October 2020, pp. 1867-1874

NATSA: A Near-Data Processing Accelerator for Time Series Analysis [doi][arXiv]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, C. Giannoula, M. Alser, J. Gomez-Luna, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata, O. Mutlu
38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'20), Hardtford (CT, USA), October 2020
(arXiv:2010.02079 [cs.AR])

iLGaCo: Incremental Learning of Gait Covariate Factors [doi][arXiv]
Z. Mu, F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, Y-L. Li, S. Yu
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB'20), Houston (TX, USA), September-October 2020
(arXiv:2008.13507 [cs.CV])

Weather Projections and Dynamical Downscaling for the Republic of Panama: Evaluation of Implementation Methods via GPGPU Acceleration [link]
R. Pizon, M. Muller, T. Nakaegawa, J. Sanchez-Galan, M. Ujaldon, J. Fabrega
22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division (IAHR-APD'20), Sapporo (Japan), September 2020

Energy-Efficient Time Series Analysis Using Transprecision Computing [doi]
I. Fernandez, R. Quislant, E. Gutierrez, O. Plata
IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'20), Porto (Portugal), September 2020

Characterization, Statistical Analysis and Method Selection in the Two-Clocks Synchronization Problem for Pairwise Interconnected Sensors [doi]
J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo, A. Cruz-Martin
Sensors, 20 (17), art. 4808, August 2020

Accelerating Sequence Alignments Based on FM-Index Using the Intel KNL Processor [doi]
J.M. Herruzo, S. Gonzalez-Navarro, P. Ibañez, V. Viñals, J. Alastruey, O. Plata
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 17 (4), July-August 2020, pp. 1093-1104

Asynchronous Processing for Latent Fingerprint Identification on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems [doi]
A.J. Sanchez, L.F. Romero, D. Peralta, M.A. Medina-Perez, Y. Saeys, F. Herrera, S. Tabik
IEEE Access, 8, June 2020, pp. 124236-124253

Parallel Multiprocessing and Scheduling on the Heterogeneous Xeon+FPGA Platform [doi]
A. Rodriguez, A. Navarro, R. Asenjo, F. Corbera, R. Gran, D. Suarez, J. Nuñez-Yañez
The Journal of Supercomputing, 76, June 2020, pp. 4645-4665

Floating-Point Fused Multiply-Add under HUB Format [doi]
J. Hormigo, J. Villalba, S. Gonzalez-Navarro
IEEE 27th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH'20), Portland (OR, USA), June 2020

Micro-Variations from RNA-seq Experiments for Non-model Organisms [doi]
E. Espinosa, M. Arroyo, R. Larrosa, M. Manchado, M.G. Claros, R. Bautista
8th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO'20), Granada (Spain), May 2020
(Springer, LNCS 12108, I. Rojas, O. Valenzuela, F. Rojas, L.J. Herrera and F. Ortuño, Eds., pp. 542-549)

Efficiency and Productivity for Decision-Making on Mobile SoCs [link]
D.A. Constantinescu
Intel DevMesh Publication, April 2020

Array Relocation Approach for Radial Scanning Algorithms on Multi-GPU Systems: Total Viewshed Problem as a Case Study [arXiv]
A.J. Sanchez, L.F. Romero, G. Bandera, S. Tabik
arXiv:2003.02200 [cs.DS], March 2020

MuPeG - The Multiple Person Gait Framework [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, M.J. Marin, N. Guil
Sensors, 20 (5), March 2020, art. 1358

Performance Evaluation of Decision Making Under Uncertainty for Low Power Heterogeneous Platforms [doi]
D.A. Constantinescu, A. Navarro, J.A. Fernandez-Madrigal, R. Asenjo
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 137, March 2020, pp. 119-133

Multimodal Feature Fusion for CNN-based Gait Recognition: An Empirical Comparison [doi]
F.M. Castro, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, N. Perez-de-la-Blanca
Neural Computing and Applications, 32, March 2020, pp. 14173-14193

A Cross-Dataset Deep Learning-based Classifier for People Fall Detection and Identification [doi]
R. Delgado, F.M. Castro, J.R. Cozar, M.J. Marin, N. Guil, E. Casilari
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 184, February 2020

High-Performance Simultaneous Multiprocessing for Heterogeneous System-on-Chip [link]
K. Nikov, J. Nunez-Yanez, M. Hosseinabady, R. Asenjo, A. Rodriguez, A. Navarro
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